Friday, March 20, 2015

20 things TO DO before you turn 30.

20 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU TURN 30.... 1. Discover self:- know who you are and what you have to offer. 2. Learn to use your abilities to bless mankind. 3. Get ideas on how to make money. 4. Learn what love entails:- its not just an emotion and guys should Learn how to propose. 5. Read at least 30 books:- spiritual, motivational, financial, relationships and so on. Own them too. 6. Have a pastor over your life:- this is by discovery. 7. Be known for something. 8. Have a mentor. 9. Learn how to say No. 10. Conquer procrastination. 11. Be free to use your mind:- thinking is not illegal yet. 12. Have a bank account with money in it. 13. Have an investment. 14. Develop stability of character:- such as when to speak, what to say and when. 15. Be able yo choose your friends:- no forced association. 16. Learn professional dining ethics as well as hygiene. 17. Define your vision in one statement. 18. Learn to drive a car. 19. Be financially able to feed someone. 20. Be born again and learn how to love God. Culled from pastor Akomaya Ugar's sermon.

Friday, March 6, 2015

i need you

Sure am different from you. Apart of me will descend without you. I am formed complete But will be consumed without you. With my talents,i can go round the world, but my talents coupled with yours am sure would make the world go round us. Yea! we need team up. Else we will get thin wage. Indeed, if we go solo we will remain so low. Sure! We've got to co-operate else we would get results in cup-rates By Samson Adah Paul in "Nigerian Dream"

an old valentine note

Have heard her spoken of around street corners. Seen her despised and neglected by many who claim possession of her. Read alot about her including cherished thoughts. Watched her in movies and yet i wonder. What is love that my mind constantly sets out to seek ? Who is the pair that exists for me ? Is love actually all i desire and is it paramount to my achieving anything in life ? There is alot about love that falling in it only makes our understanding about her to dwindle. I propose that there is this love that even love itself seeks to find. If love love has not found love, why am i in haste ? 13/02/2010