Sunday, January 10, 2016


"ideas come from everything" Alfred Hitchcock. 
If it was mine to define, I would have called an idea the smallest form any constructive thought could possess within the depths of our mind. 

What I Just wrote is open to debate because u am aware of the variety of our thought pattern even in respect to the topic. But allow me say here that an idea us as great a thought as a thought is an idea both in relative terms and even in contrast. 
In relative; that an idea is a thought and in abstract; that a thought may necessarily not be an idea. 

Being abstractly oriented, I tend to draw inspiration from knowledge that all things were brought to be by the power of imagination which alternatively means thoughts. As such, existence is a great function of the mind. 

Let me then call a thought an idea and an idea, the least form of a thought. Pardon my obsession with the mind especially as it influences what makes us. I guess that's how obsessed people are after all. 

Not to leave without summarizing my massage, because we are all humans and are completely able to harness all the full abilities of our entity. And man has progressed unstoppable because simply put,  
Ideas come from everything.