Sunday, December 14, 2014

just a thought

I once wrote about the unique nature we possess as individuals and i got reminded about it today by a question or permit me to call it a claim "two heads are better than one". On what grounds should i accept that? I know for real that we are but unique on the bases of our individuality and one would expect that having two heads"A" products should bring about the better than than"one" i suppose. So lets picture this truth; unique would mean being distinctively different from another. The best you can get from a person will come through constant and continuous development of self and that's not really what we see in todays society. We might want to go spiritual andtand further argue that the creator made us unique and as such, why do i belittle. His work ? In my defence,i will ask you to tell me why there is quiet a high level of emphasis on self discovery and discovery of purpose ? Let me conclude by saying your uniqueness will only be fully maximized if you see to it by yourself otherwise,your uniqueness would be on the down scale. That is without significance. The popular saying that iron sharpen iron says alot about how our value can be stated if we are up to our full potential. So before you hope to be the second head that makes the two heads better, stay with yourself and build your persona.

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