Monday, July 20, 2015


Sat in front of my scripts and scribbled pages of paper that were somewhat not making sense to me at the moment. Then I picked up my phone and went straight to my blog to begin to type.
The thought was on the MOMENT seeing myself as an example of one trapped in this seemingly minute measure of an event. That's how I would define the word. A series of moments put together progressively would build an event and my Dad once told me while growing up that life was characterized by activities and events. Those very words have echoed in my head for all my life and here is how I want to use them,.
Anything we do will be adjudged as an act or activity *speaking physically,and one activity may not necessarily be big enough to make an event but it still has the ability to become one. If the combination of moments of activeness would result in an event, don't then subscribe to the saying that you should be patient to wait for the right moment cos every moment is just right to build an event out of it.

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