Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I will say it this way.
As my beloveth nation Nigeria is hours away from marking her independence from its colonial master, I can't fight the urge to pour out my heart in this unedited writeup and in many ways, appreciate the people that over the years have given their best to better the course and lot of its people as a whole. 
I know that if we are to set and score the nation's progress over the years judging by its potentials, we had all be disappointed by what the results would be but as it has often been emphasized, "failure is not the end neither is it a destination. 
We read and we're taught about the efforts of our founding fathers in securing our independence, the blood that was spilt to keep the Nation as one United front and even in recent times have we experienced the blood letting in many regions within. Bewildered by many trials I am one of those tempted to ask, where are the good old days? 
The days when the future seem to have already been mapped out and one was only expected to walk into glory. 
I agree that our progress maybe slower than we had expected and that we seem to have a better yesterday when compared to today and many have successfully pointed out where we lost it but I seem not to agree that much. 
President John F Kennedy told the American people and I believe the rest of the world not to ask what there nation would do for them but what they would do for her.

Arise o compatriots, Nigeria's call obey
To serve our fatherland, with love and strength and faith.

I grew up knowing a pledge was sort of a prayer, promise and declaration. So am confused at what instance did my people confuse "to serve our fatherland" 
I would say God bless Nigeria and no place else. I am a Patriot, I am Nigeria and as the great Martin Luther King said, "i have a dream".

The labor of our hero's past shall never be in vain................ One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.

Our commitment to build a great nation must begin with you and I. Happy independence Nigeria.

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