Wednesday, October 14, 2015


I am Longji by name, bare the identity of one who hails from the plateau as clearly seen in my name. I was hit this morning by a simple single thought. I asked myself how would I present myself if given to opportunity to and certain things came to mind.
You see 1st and foremost, it's a thin line between who you think you are and who you actually are and the funny part is this........ You are expected to accurately know who you are but life has got us all twisted in nature so that we can't really tell the difference between who we are and who we think we should be. The constant conflict between what we want to be perceived as, what we hope and seldom work towards becoming and the real us.
I grew up with these constants bugging my head on a daily bases because I wanted to fit in so bad, I wanted all. I painted an Alfa ego and kept measuring my progress to the Alfa. Maybe it did help me, maybe it didn't and maybe I don't know.
Identity is important to the human race but it's not all we've got and it's not all there is.

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