Sunday, January 10, 2016


"ideas come from everything" Alfred Hitchcock. 
If it was mine to define, I would have called an idea the smallest form any constructive thought could possess within the depths of our mind. 

What I Just wrote is open to debate because u am aware of the variety of our thought pattern even in respect to the topic. But allow me say here that an idea us as great a thought as a thought is an idea both in relative terms and even in contrast. 
In relative; that an idea is a thought and in abstract; that a thought may necessarily not be an idea. 

Being abstractly oriented, I tend to draw inspiration from knowledge that all things were brought to be by the power of imagination which alternatively means thoughts. As such, existence is a great function of the mind. 

Let me then call a thought an idea and an idea, the least form of a thought. Pardon my obsession with the mind especially as it influences what makes us. I guess that's how obsessed people are after all. 

Not to leave without summarizing my massage, because we are all humans and are completely able to harness all the full abilities of our entity. And man has progressed unstoppable because simply put,  
Ideas come from everything.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


I am Longji by name, bare the identity of one who hails from the plateau as clearly seen in my name. I was hit this morning by a simple single thought. I asked myself how would I present myself if given to opportunity to and certain things came to mind.
You see 1st and foremost, it's a thin line between who you think you are and who you actually are and the funny part is this........ You are expected to accurately know who you are but life has got us all twisted in nature so that we can't really tell the difference between who we are and who we think we should be. The constant conflict between what we want to be perceived as, what we hope and seldom work towards becoming and the real us.
I grew up with these constants bugging my head on a daily bases because I wanted to fit in so bad, I wanted all. I painted an Alfa ego and kept measuring my progress to the Alfa. Maybe it did help me, maybe it didn't and maybe I don't know.
Identity is important to the human race but it's not all we've got and it's not all there is.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I will say it this way.
As my beloveth nation Nigeria is hours away from marking her independence from its colonial master, I can't fight the urge to pour out my heart in this unedited writeup and in many ways, appreciate the people that over the years have given their best to better the course and lot of its people as a whole. 
I know that if we are to set and score the nation's progress over the years judging by its potentials, we had all be disappointed by what the results would be but as it has often been emphasized, "failure is not the end neither is it a destination. 
We read and we're taught about the efforts of our founding fathers in securing our independence, the blood that was spilt to keep the Nation as one United front and even in recent times have we experienced the blood letting in many regions within. Bewildered by many trials I am one of those tempted to ask, where are the good old days? 
The days when the future seem to have already been mapped out and one was only expected to walk into glory. 
I agree that our progress maybe slower than we had expected and that we seem to have a better yesterday when compared to today and many have successfully pointed out where we lost it but I seem not to agree that much. 
President John F Kennedy told the American people and I believe the rest of the world not to ask what there nation would do for them but what they would do for her.

Arise o compatriots, Nigeria's call obey
To serve our fatherland, with love and strength and faith.

I grew up knowing a pledge was sort of a prayer, promise and declaration. So am confused at what instance did my people confuse "to serve our fatherland" 
I would say God bless Nigeria and no place else. I am a Patriot, I am Nigeria and as the great Martin Luther King said, "i have a dream".

The labor of our hero's past shall never be in vain................ One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.

Our commitment to build a great nation must begin with you and I. Happy independence Nigeria.

Monday, July 20, 2015


Sat in front of my scripts and scribbled pages of paper that were somewhat not making sense to me at the moment. Then I picked up my phone and went straight to my blog to begin to type.
The thought was on the MOMENT seeing myself as an example of one trapped in this seemingly minute measure of an event. That's how I would define the word. A series of moments put together progressively would build an event and my Dad once told me while growing up that life was characterized by activities and events. Those very words have echoed in my head for all my life and here is how I want to use them,.
Anything we do will be adjudged as an act or activity *speaking physically,and one activity may not necessarily be big enough to make an event but it still has the ability to become one. If the combination of moments of activeness would result in an event, don't then subscribe to the saying that you should be patient to wait for the right moment cos every moment is just right to build an event out of it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Lately I have been drawn to the awesome nature of the mind that we posses as humans and how we use it. A lot of us have done our best to grow in height stature and nature but not in the mind. It is the most delicate and important facet of our individuality. We are humans and are daily faced with challenges and situations that make and Mar us. Explicitly at the detriment of the fragile mind we yet posses and unknown to us, the world in which we live in full of predators who prey on our weaknesses and exploit our ignorance to their betterment and advantage. The quality of your thoughts is the quality of your life and the quality of your life is a function of your individuality which is anchored on your mind

Monday, June 8, 2015

In between

In between life and death....
....  The privilege to impact.

In between love and hate....
....  A decision.

In between day and night....
... A sudden hour.

In between  wealth and poverty.......... Relevant steps.

In between leadership and stewardship...
... Understand the similarity.

In between actions and words...
... One is louder.

In between paper and pen...
... A concerned heart.

In between me and you...
... Friendship.

In between right and wrong...
.... Pride lurks.

In between time and space...
... Fears and opportunities.

In between God and Man...
... Christ.

In between reading this piece and closing it.......
....... Choice.

Friday, March 20, 2015

20 things TO DO before you turn 30.

20 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU TURN 30.... 1. Discover self:- know who you are and what you have to offer. 2. Learn to use your abilities to bless mankind. 3. Get ideas on how to make money. 4. Learn what love entails:- its not just an emotion and guys should Learn how to propose. 5. Read at least 30 books:- spiritual, motivational, financial, relationships and so on. Own them too. 6. Have a pastor over your life:- this is by discovery. 7. Be known for something. 8. Have a mentor. 9. Learn how to say No. 10. Conquer procrastination. 11. Be free to use your mind:- thinking is not illegal yet. 12. Have a bank account with money in it. 13. Have an investment. 14. Develop stability of character:- such as when to speak, what to say and when. 15. Be able yo choose your friends:- no forced association. 16. Learn professional dining ethics as well as hygiene. 17. Define your vision in one statement. 18. Learn to drive a car. 19. Be financially able to feed someone. 20. Be born again and learn how to love God. Culled from pastor Akomaya Ugar's sermon.

Friday, March 6, 2015

i need you

Sure am different from you. Apart of me will descend without you. I am formed complete But will be consumed without you. With my talents,i can go round the world, but my talents coupled with yours am sure would make the world go round us. Yea! we need team up. Else we will get thin wage. Indeed, if we go solo we will remain so low. Sure! We've got to co-operate else we would get results in cup-rates By Samson Adah Paul in "Nigerian Dream"

an old valentine note

Have heard her spoken of around street corners. Seen her despised and neglected by many who claim possession of her. Read alot about her including cherished thoughts. Watched her in movies and yet i wonder. What is love that my mind constantly sets out to seek ? Who is the pair that exists for me ? Is love actually all i desire and is it paramount to my achieving anything in life ? There is alot about love that falling in it only makes our understanding about her to dwindle. I propose that there is this love that even love itself seeks to find. If love love has not found love, why am i in haste ? 13/02/2010

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

self discovery

On a journey of self discovery he got lost and was easily attracted to the way and manner people went about their daily activities. Socrates said "Man, know thyself". That's a point of note on how the knowledge of self was viewed important by this highly esteemed scholar. Say discovery of self is a process and not an end and my curiosity would be aroused as to how long should it take a man to fully attain full discovery. Or at what level or stage can we say i have fully discovered self ? Maybe since learning is a continuous process, i will just equate same to self discovery. But in our world today, this issue is more propagated than carried out. Its not just about what you like, hate, love or dislike which we are always okay and comfortable at bragging about. Impact is what i want to point my fingers to on this series of self science so that you don't just live in a self created space/vacuum of emotional inconsistencies. But let your living touch just one person positively.